Owasso Distance Squad – Week Six Schedule

Welcome back! We will start back to our usual schedule this week on Tuesday. Tomorrow is an in-service day for teachers, so practice will be from 3:00 to 5:00. JH kids are welcome to run with the HS kids tomorrow. On Tuesday, we have home basketball games. Coach Parker and I will both be working, so we won’t have JH practice that day. By Wednesday, we should be back to normal.

With the Track still not quite finished and the Indoor taken up with multiple other sports, the distance kids (as usual) will be outside. We’ve certainly run in worse weather, but it does look to be very cold tomorrow. Please remind your athletes to bring plenty of gear. They can always shed sweats and gloves as they run if they get hot, but it will be pretty miserable if they show up in shorts and a t-shirt (as some HS/JH boys are prone to do.)

Lastly, if you have a HS runner putting in a lot of miles, please consider checking their ferritin levels before we start full-blown Track workouts. Low iron levels affect many distance runners by hampering the body’s ability to transfer oxygen from the blood to the muscles. Ideally, runners will have their iron checked two to three times a year…once in August before the XC season, once in January before the Track season, and once in May before summer training. Even if runners register in the “normal” range, they aren’t your average HS kid. Average HS kids don’t run 40-50 miles a week! We always want to make sure our athletes are healthy, and having a high iron level certainly helps. Please reach out if you have any questions.

It’s exciting to start a new year with a new Track facility, new meets, and great runners! It’s going to be a fantastic season!

Thank you for all you do and…GO RAMS!!!!

Week Six Schedule
